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Selected Comments on California Laws and Regulations

On California vote counting rules, (hand counts, recounts, 1% audits):

Proposed rules in 2021 Dec; 2023 May, July 7; 2024 April

·       2022-01-24 comments from 8 people

·       2023-07-05 comments from 6 people, 4 organizations, Lutz

·       2023-07-17 comments from 5 people

·       2024-05-08 comments from 9 people

Responses by Sec of State 2023-08-07 and 2024-06-28

Final adopted counting rules. They are in California rules CCR, title 2, division 7, chapters 4.5 to 4.8, The old vote-counting standards no longer appear in in chapter 8.3, which now refers to the new sections.

On California observer rules:


Proposed rules in May, July, Sept, Dec, 2023; Jan 2024

·       2023-06-16 comments from 15 people

·       2023-11-13 comments from 10 people

·       2023-12-20 comments from 6 people and 9 people

Final adopted observation rules

County plans for observation

Ventura Superior Court order denying close observation 2020-09-15

On California risk-limiting audits (RLA), 2021:

2021 rules by state, for comment: July, or August, or Sept compared to July, or Sept compared to baseline, And reasons given in July and Sept.

Aug 5-6 comments from VoteWell and Citizens' Oversight Projects and Branscomb and Orange County and Stark and Verified Voting

August 15-16 comments from VoteWell and  Citizens' Oversight Projects and Branscomb and Stark and Verified Voting

Asking for RLA of 9/14/21 recall election, letters Sept 2-3, 2021 from NVRTF and experts; Sept 10 from Citizens' Oversight+NVRTF

Comments on September version Oct 11 from 18 people and Sept. 4 from Korb

Final adopted RLA rules