Dominion Voting Systems


Democracy Suite® Election Management System

Drives the entire election project through a single comprehensive database.

  Consolidates results from all voting channels into a single comprehensive database

  Results input using physical data transfers or through an air-gapped, closed network



ImageCast Central

Make / Model: Dominion Voting Systems ImageCast Central

Equipment Type: Batch-Fed Optical Scan Tabulator

Sep 30, 2020 · Uploaded by ChicagoElections

The ImageCast Central Workstation hosts the ImageCast Central application used for ballot image processing, election rules processing, and results transfer to the EMS Datacenter. The ImageCast Central workstation consists of the following components:Dell OptiPlex 9010 All-in-One, Intel Core i3 or higher, 4 GB RAM,500 GB hard disk,Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit PC workstation.

Colorado ImageCast Central User Guide (2019)
California Democracy Suite Use Procedures CA (2020)
Dominion RFI San Francisco CA (2015)


ImageCast Precinct

Make / Model: Dominion Voting Systems ImageCast Precinct

Equipment Type: Hand-Fed Optical Scan Tabulator

Oct 15, 2020 · Uploaded by Warren County

California Voting System Review (2020)
Dominion Democracy Suite 4.14-A.1 with Adjudication 2.4 voting system (2014)
Red Team Report
Source Code Report – Democracy Suite 4.14-A.1
Source Code Report – Adjudication 2.4
Voting System Qualification Test Report Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. Democracy Suite, Release 4.14.17, Version 3, Florida Division of Elections, (2015)
Report on Dominion Voting System, Democracy Suite Election Management System 4.14, New Mexico Secretary of State, 2013
Usability Study of Dominion Voting Systems ImageCast and ImageCast with Ballot Marking Device, version 1.30/4.0
ImageCast Poll Worker Manual, Madison County NY 2011
Final Test Report Dominion Voting Systems Democracy Suite 2.0, New York State Board of Election, 2008


EAC certification documents

Note four servers, outlined in double-lined green polygon (polygon was not in original). Flow diagram from EAC certification: Similar diagram appears in manuals.


Plausible database hierarchy

1.     Table of Ballot images, with unique identifier and code for ballot style, precinct, date (maybe divided into table of pages, assuming they keep all pages together when opening them, but I see staff picking up part of a box, without great care to keep pages of one ballot together. San Francisco releases ballot images with all pages together, and cast vote record at end.

2.     Table of successive cast vote records interpreted from that ballot image, with same identifier, separate copies for raw and adjudicated, tagged with staff identifiers and times (probably further divided into table of voter selection(s), showing unique ballot identifier, contest and selection, so writeins can be matched with registered candidates in each race, and so adjudication just updates one contest)

3.     Table of ballot styles (probably further divided into table of contest designs, so each contest only needs to be defined once, and style can be assembled from applicable contests)

4.     Table of batches, tagged with staff, times, scanner. Maybe tagged as VBM, onsite, provisional, UOCAVA, RAVBM (San Francisco issues BMD and hand-marked ballots together, so they may be scanned together into the same batch from voting location ballot box)

5.     Table of users, login id, password, multi-factor authentication, date each permission added or changed and by whom


Democracy Suite 5.5-A

Brian Mechler, Technical Examiner

Exam Dates: October 2-3, 2019

Report Date: November 3, 2019

EMS Database Server - “Server side RDBMS repository of the election project database which holds all the election project data, including pre-voting and post-voting data.”


Dominion Voting Systems a new election system, which includes touchscreen machines that print a paper ballot read by a scanner.

databases used in Georgia's voting system "completely defective."

"error in the November database which will require every county to get a new database,"

"Even though the databases were 'nearly complete' on September 4, it was not until today, September 25...that the State announced that the Dominion-built databases...were in fact so completely defective that Logic and Accuracy testing would be a waste of time and the databases must now be completely rebuilt," the court document states.



OSET analysis of Georgia acquisition


Excerpt From the Michigan/Dominion Voting Systems Contract Page 82 #071B7700117

Core Technology - Ensuring Accurate & Transparent Elections


·        The AuditMark auditing system is, however, what makes the Dominion difference and sets us apart from other vendors in this industry. It is the only system that digitally stores an image of every ballot cast along with a record of how the ImageCast tabulator interpreted each vote, ensuring a completely transparent and auditable election.

·        Administrators find it a great comfort when reviewing ballot images during recounts and every image is accompanied by this clear, digital, human-readable AuditMark record.”


RFP No. 007116B0007029 Dominion Functional Requirements:

Democracy Suite® EMS Results Tally & Reporting User Guide Version: 5.11-CO::7 May 28, 2019:

RFP No. 007116B0007029 Dominion Functional Requirements gives two different image storage options, Please refer to response 1.1.A.18 for more details:

See Page 13 of the Dominion document from EAC:


Democracy Suite® California Use Procedures Version: 5.10-CA::11 January 15, 2020: Its 516 pages:

Democracy Suite® EMS Election Event Designer User Guide Version: 5.11-CO::8 May 31, 2019:

2.03 - Democracy Suite® EMS Functionality Description Version: 5.11-CO::6 May 28, 2019:

Democracy Suite R ImageCast R Central User Guide Version: 5.2-CO::94 February 16, 2017:

ImageCast® Adjudication User Guide Version: 5.11-CO::4 May 31, 2019:

California Dominion Voting Systems Democracy Suite R Use Procedures Version: 4.14::238 November 18, 2014:


GA Dominion RFI_No Redactions for GA new system specification:

The City and County of San Francisco’s Voting System RFP from Dominion:



Texas Nov 2019 - Dominion Voting Systems – Democracy Suite 5.5-A Voting System Examination - For the reasons outlined below, I am unable to recommend that this system be certified by the Texas Secretary of State under Tex. Elec. Code §§122.031 and 122.039:


Dominion Voting Systems Corporation:


Colorado Dominion Voting Systems Voting System Documentation;

Note: Dominion Voting Systems submitted numerous documents regarding the Democracy Suite 4.19 voting system in connection with its application for temporary approval. The provider has determined that the system documents posted below are not exempt from disclosure under applicable provisions of the Colorado Open Records Act, sections 24-72-2001.1, et seq. In the interests of transparency, the Secretary of State makes this information available to the public without the need of a formal records request. Those interested in reviewing voting system documentation not posted here should follow the Secretary of State's open records policy.

·        Democracy Suite (PDF)

·        ImageCast X Ballot Marking Device user's guide (PDF)

·        2.02 Democracy Suite system overview (PDF)

·        2.03 - Democracy Suite® EMS Functionality Description Version: 5.11-CO::6 May 28, 2019:

·        2.07 Democracy Suite system test and verification (PDF)

·        2.09 EMS system maintenance manual (PDF)

·        2.09 Adjudication system maintenance manual (PDF)

·        2.10 Democracy Suite personnel deployment and training requirements (PDF)

·        Democracy Suite® EMS Results Tally & Reporting User Guide Version: 5.11-CO::7 May 28, 2019:


The Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5A was certified by the PA Department of State on January 17, 2019.

The certified polling place components are:

The EAC and the Pennsylvania Department of State certified the Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5A voting systems under current federal and state standards. Pennsylvania has developed new standards of security and accessibility that manufacturers must meet to achieve state certification.


How Dominion creates ballot images

Original transcript can be found here and it is 766 pages.

RTR = Results Tally Report

NAS = Network Attached Storage

EMS = Election Management System (Central Tabulator)

ICP = ImageCast Precinct (Digital Scanner)

ICE = ImageCast Evolution (ICE), (3 in 1, scanner, ADA, and printe)

ICC = ImageCast Central (ICC)

ICX = ImageCast X (ICX) Ballot Marking Device

These devices are either used at polling places (ICP, ICE and ICX) for election day voting, or at central count locations (ICC) for vote-by-mail, absentee, or early voting.

NOTE: The memory cards are originally prepared in the EMS Election Event

So I would like to direct your attention, Dr. Coomer, to

Paragraph 10 at the bottom. It says, every ballot, hand-marked

or BMD-generated, scanned on a Democracy Suite tabulator

creates a digital image of the front and back of the ballot.

Did I read that right?

A. Yes.

Q. So does that mean that both precinct and central count

scanners create digital ballot images?

A. That's correct.

Q. And precinct scanners save -- they have the capacity to

save those ballot images; correct?

A. Both devices do, yes.

Q. Okay. And whether or not they save the ballot images is

governed by tabulator settings; is that right?

A. Yes. There is a setting that can determine that.

Q. So there is an option that you can turn on to save the

ballot images and an option that you can turn off to not save

ballot images?

A. There is. I can't say for certain that that -- that that

option is available in the Georgia version.

Q. So if you -- in a precinct scanner when ballot images are

set to be saved, the scanner saves those to the compact flash

memory card; right?

A. Correct. It actually saves them to two compact flash. So

we have redundant storage.

Q. Does one of those go to the tabulating location on election day?

A. Generally, that is how it works. It depends on individual counties how they transport that.

Q. Okay. And the other card remains with the scanner?

A. Generally, that is how it is done. But, again, that is

county-specific procedures.

Q. Okay. And is the information on those two cards a mirror

image of each other, or are there differences?

A. As far as the vote data, they are mirror images.

Q. Okay. What about other data?

A. So generally only one -- well, again, it depends on

county-specific procedures. But one card may -- only one card

may have the election definition because it only needs one copy

of that to define the election definition.

Q. And is it your testimony that neither copy of the

ballot -- neither -- neither compact flash card contains time

stamps associated with ballot images?

A. That's correct.


Q. I'll turn to the ICP scanners and tabulation of

hand-marked paper ballots.

What does the ICP read when a hand-marked paper ballot is

placed into the scanner?

A. Regardless of whether it is hand-marked or the QR ballot,

the scanners first take a digital image of both sides of the

ballot. In the case of hand-marked paper ballots, it looks for

various artifacts that are included on the printed ballot.

These are referred to as things like long corner marks and the

timing marks. You can see those in any of the ballot

representations that have been presented.

That is used to essentially orient the image so that then

we can apply our image processing algorithms. We use those

corner marks to orient the image. We use the timing marks,

essentially set up a grid to define where the specified voting

target locations are. And then our image recognition analyzes

those target areas and looks for -- essentially calculates the

percentage fill of those areas to determine whether it is a

mark or not -- a selected choice or not.