Date: August 31, 2021

Contact form completion from timothy price


Hello Timothy,


I can confirm that the Clear Ballot images captured in our post-election audit are public records and will be preserved for 22 months per federal law, just as all original paper ballots are retained, for that same time frame.  






Christopher D. Winters

Deputy Secretary of State



From: SOS - No Reply <[email protected]

Sent: Monday, August 30, 2021 1:26 PM

Subject: Contact form completion from timothy price

The following information was submitted via the website contact form:


Want to confirm with the Secretary of State that ballot images are public records (Clear Ballot that does your audits has them. We want to make forensic images before they are altered in any way by anyone. Voters have the right to ascertain whether or not the election was fair and accurately reflected their intent. Thank you.